Crashing about 20 times per hour

I can’t even get this build to crash. Night and day. Thank you sir. Problem solved.

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My grade for Synfig’s stability goes from D- to A. maybe A+ gotta try more.

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also I like all the little extras. the space behind 0 on the timeline, the layer bar when you move layers and the red save before exit button.

there’s one thing i would like to see improved… opening a project made on one computer and opened on another computer is funky. have to load each image one by one instead of specifying the folder for missing files. if that is already improved and i don’t know please let me know.

with that build you sent me i’ve been using it for a couple hours and it finally crashed once. when just clicking on a layer. amazing performance compared to other versions

Well I just found something weird. noise distort won’t effect anything. I have an enormous background on this project, this only one this big. i’ll see if other projects have this issue.

To make a project portable so that you can work on it in different pcs:

  1. Create a folder in the file manager.
  2. Put all the images/assets you’re going to use in your project in that folder.
  3. Open synfig, create your project, import your files and save that project file (sifz/sif) in that folder only.
  4. That’s it. You can copy that folder to any pc and you won’t have to import images again and again.

It could be because your viewport rendering is set to “draft”. Or, as you said, the background image is enormous so software renderer of synfig is taking forever to render.
So I’d advise you to use low quality images with synfig as Synfig doesn’t make use of hardware acceleration. And using something as intensive as noise distortion on a large hi res image could crash synfig.

That’s very weird.

Do you mean when dragging the layers in the Layers Panel or on the work area?