Circular arrays


Is there a way to use the duplicate layer to create circular arrays ?

It is definitely possible to do that.

What you mean to say is , you want the duplicated objects to go in clockwise (or anti-clockwise) circular direction after each duplication. Correct?

If you want to do that, you would need to add rotations each time after duplication, and also set the anchor of all duplicates to the center of a imaginary circle (let’s say with radius=x) every objects center should be x cm far away from the anchor point and each of them having anchor point at same place. Then rotate that duplicated object each time you duplicate.
You can create a autohotkey program to automate the duplication and rotation proces, however it will require you to be good at programming. I use autohotkey for creating automatic organized folders in my explorer when I press ctrl+6+9 :slightly_smiling_face: (if ykyk)

Something like this?
circular-array.sifz (1,5,KB)


The origin has to be set to radial composite ? And what is the 316 ?

It makes it easier to make it around point (0,0). We just need to set the radius and angle.
I set the duplicate layer exported value to vary between [0°, 360°] with a step I don’t recall, and this value is connected to Radial Composite angle (with a trick to be able to convert real number to angle. I don’t know if it is possible in other way).

That shown value itself doesn’t matter. It varies in the iterations of duplicate layer.

PS: If you need to circle the drawing around some other point, you could group the layers and move the group.

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The duplicate layer is a little difficult to understand for newbies as it needs you to understand some advanced concepts and a manual configuration so that the linear or radial duplications works. BTW, once you understand it all, the system is powerful and lets you do some neat things.

To make things easy, I suggest you to watch 2 short tutorials that explain the concepts and procedure pretty easily:

  1. Duplication layer: if you understand it, there’s no need to watch the next video, but just in case:
  2. Library nodes (value nodes or “variables”): the video explains something different but if you watch it you may understand what values are and what they can be used for (for instance the “duplication layer”, which automatically creates a “variable” or node to be used as “number of copies”)

Let us know if you get it to work :sweat_smile:


Thank you , it worked