Are you crazy enough to draw using only mouse?

gamess (2)
I sure am. lol :rofl:


Showcase your mouse artwork as well, it’ll be fun to have a thread full of artwork.

Basic shapes

@Kai that boy artwork is cute LOL. I can’t believe what my eyes are seeing but your art looks like it’s sketched on a drawing tablet. Me? I just used Inkscape’s ellipse tool and tada! A penguin!

Also just wanted to share this too for wandering readers; a few months ago a YouTuber uploaded a very cool video, showing a sped-up timelapse of 2D drawing using only the mouse. It’s quite inspiring.

One useful trick with mouse-only drawing is utilizing the power of basic shapes, relative positioning, layers, and blending effects. The above Youtuber does that in multiple instances like wall positioning, texture placement. etc. Psst… Inkscape program can do all those :wink:

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Now that’s the way to create an awesome background for a side scrolling game. Amazing!

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Now that’s some mad drawing skills!

Another mouse art.


The two animation that I made were with mouse iam really used to it but it can mess up your hand if you do it for a long time

You made animations with sketches made with mouse!!! Wow! You should post them here, if you don’t mind. It’ll be amazing.

Here is the first one in Adobe animate and illustrator
Here is the second one all open source

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Nice videos, you should make more.

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Thanks :pray:. messed up my hands :grimacing: but iam going to make a new one soon

One more sketch made using only mouse.


Another one


More art for you all to enjoy.

Just a rough artwork.

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Wow, superstar rajini!!

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Who loves watching dragon ball z?!


You could become a professional mouse artist with these skills :smile:

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One day for sure :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I guess I will show too what I managed to do with mouse