6 Ways to rig a character in synfig


6 Ways to rig characters in Synfig (rc3).
Not included in this list are the old way where you copy and link rotation layers and the stickman-method from the plugin.

  1. Group transformation widget rigging with automatic joints. (vector)
  2. Bone rigging with automatic joints. (vector)
  3. Group transformation widget rigging with normal fixed joints. (vector/pixel)
  4. Bone rigging with normal fixed joints. (vector/pixel)
  5. Bone destortion rigging. (pixel)
  6. Bone vertex rigging. (vector)

Each method has its own pro and cons.
Bones and pivot points of the examples can be found in sets.

arm.sfg (95 KB)


thanks a lot :smiley:

I would like that these examples were included in the examples folder of the source code.
Could you please organize them and include in a folder under examples from the source code and file up a pull request?
That would be awesome.

The fifth one is empty after I load the file.

btw, is there anyway to remove a bone currently?

That’s my bad. I uploaded a sifz file first that did not contain the png. Fixed it and uploaded sfg file instead. Should work now.

Removing bones is currently bugged and causes the program to crash.


great thank you.

Could you please organize them and include in a folder under examples from the source code and file up a pull request? I was also looking for the similar issue to solve … :frowning:

thanks you guy it seen to be helpfull

What method would be the best to use if I’m importing an image? I’m currently using that method to make character rigs, with the Skeleton Deformation tool. Still trying to get the hang of the SD tool but are there other methods for this?