51 Great Animation Exercises to Master

Thanks for comment, It is very useful to be commented by experienced stuff.

for the animation, I will fix it :slight_smile:

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Exercise 16 (Character on a pogo stick (loop))





ezgif.com-Synfig Animation 9 Girl 1 b

Exercise 6: Character blinking (along with some leaves blowing and hair flowing). :grinning:

I had trouble rendering it as a GIF through Synfig. Had to render a series of JPG images, then rendered as MP4 in Blender, and then converted to GIF through an online website. :smiling_face_with_tear:


@Ahamd your brick is still rotating before it reaches the table(?) edge.

And the blue bouncing ball isn’t squashing when it reaches the floor. It’s strange, because it does stretch while falling.


@rodolfog I wander, how you can notice this small things :smile:

Regarding the brick, this is the latest edit https://forums.synfig.org/t/brick-fall-excercise-any-idea/14448/4?u=ahamd

The birck may rotate its weight & the remaining effect of its fall.

Regarding the ball, I had removed the squash as I thought that nobody will notice it :grin: and it gave the appearance of floating ball.

Exercise 17 (Laughing)



I feel like the eyes are not in sync with the mouth and the character doesn’t seem like laughing, it feels more like :face_exhaling: (sighing)

Thanks for the feedback. I think it’s more interesting allowing the eyes not to be in sync. I agree with the sighing, the mouth shape plus the eyes going down does make it look that way, so I edited the mouth shapes. Thoughts?


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Bouncing ball sideways.

2_bouncing ball sideways b

I feel like I have lost motivation to make animations :sweat_smile:, because for me either Synfig renders gifs extreeemely slowly, or does not render at all (even on Magick++ mode).

Render your animation in pngs and then convert it into gif/webp after post processing in natron/shotcut/openshot/blender for the best result.

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