#!/bin/sh CPUS=4 prefix=$(pwd)/install export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$prefix/lib/pkgconfig" export PATH=$(pwd)/synfig-core/trunk/src/tool/.libs:$PATH # export CXX="/usr/bin/ccache /usr/bin/g++" # export CXX="/usr/bin/ccache g++-snapshot" # this comments out the line in configure.ac if it isn't already commented sed -i 's/^AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS/# AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS/' synfig-core/trunk/configure.ac # this fixes the ubuntu 8.10 crasher if it isn't already fixed #sed -i 's/^ toolbar_->get_tooltips_object()->set_tip([*]ret,tooltip);$/ if (toolbar_->get_tooltips_object()) toolbar_->get_tooltips_object()->set_tip(*ret,tooltip);/' synfig-studio/trunk/src/gtkmm/dockable.cpp # this disables building libav # sed -i 's/mod_libavcodec //' synfig-core/trunk/src/modules/Makefile.am # this fixes the build for old versions # sed -i 's/#include /#include \n#include /' synfig-studio/trunk/src/synfigapp/settings.cpp # this is standard stuff copied from the wiki for building cd ETL/trunk && autoreconf --install --force && ./configure --prefix $prefix && #make --debug=b install && make install && \ cd ../../synfig-core/trunk && libtoolize --ltdl --copy --force && autoreconf --install --force && #./configure --prefix $prefix --enable-optimization=0 --enable-debug && ./configure --prefix $prefix --enable-optimization=0 && #make --debug=b -j $CPUS install && make -j $CPUS install && \ cd ../../synfig-studio/trunk && autoreconf --install --force && #./configure --prefix $prefix --enable-optimization=0 --enable-debug && ./configure --prefix $prefix --enable-optimization=0 && #make --debug=b -j $CPUS install make -j $CPUS install