Synfig "Promotion" in


Recently i have done a little Synfig wiki/page (in french) on
Maybe if you do a halt there and talking about synfig you will have a free tartine…


Labomedia ? (eng)
At the crossroads of art practices, Labomedia association has hinged since 1999 around a Media Lab dedicated to artistic creation, cultural events and projects developments, a Digital Public Space oriented towards pedagogical innovation, a workshop and a FabLab « l’atelier du c01n » and an on-line and « real » Ressource Center.
Located in an old chocolate factory called « Le108 » in Orléans / France, Labomedia coexists with thirty cultural associations and a social centre, mixing music, theatre, visual arts, and thus many kind of people, identities and perceptions. Its activities are declined both at a very local and international scale

Labomedia ?
L’association Labomedia s’est initialement constituée à partir d’une envie partagée de plusieurs associations d’investir le champ des arts numériques. En 1999 Mixar, Lumen, Radio Campus, l’Oreille et l’Otre Oreille fondent ainsi l’association Ultimédia devenue aujourd’hui Labomedia.

would like to have a free tartine, …
… mais, malheureusement, mon francais est trop mal… :frowning:

But hey, great you do promote Synfig Studio there! Thank you!