SOLVED: "No video information found" exporting mpg

On linux, I export to .mpg and use KDEnlive video editor to include sound. The original mpg looks great but not after mixing with KDEnlive (lots of artifacts). I’ve tried avi but Synfig produces lots of artifacts. :blush:

I tried using the Synfig mpg with Corel Studio 8 on windows. When I try to import, Studio 8 tells me “no video information found” and won’t import.

Is there a setting or technique to solve this?


P.S. Does anyone have a favored process for producing bideo with sound? What tools do you use?

I tried rendering to .MOV from Synfig (looks great) then rendering to .MP4 with audio in KDEnlive (looks great and sounds great too). I found my ideal combo.


Glad you found your way …

additional info: png target (file sequence) is great when you want to keep transparency informations. You also have “extract alpha” check box used with ffmpeg target and “H.264 / AVC / MPEG4-AVC (lossless)” codec.