Particles in a spiral path


Which one do you prefer more?


or This

Or maybe do you want something else, perhaps you have seen that before, with better results…

The animations are here:
Any comment, critic, or suggestion is welcome

Side note: Done with Synfig 1.0 RC3… and it has taken me time! :slight_smile:

Both are cool and depends on what’s the effect to achieve I would use one or other.

Thanks for your comments Genete

But still I wonder, what else can be added to be “mindblowing”?

Are you, or some other have seen an animation that think you can share, because it’s “more than others” [por encima del resto]?.. Sorry, If I don’t express myself good.


Synfig allows to make “mind-blowing” effects and animations. It is just a question of understand its capabilities and squeeze them to the maximum.
But in general, effects are just that, effects, not an animation. I’ve made lots of effects as you can search on the net but not good animations. One good animation that is “more than the others” must have at last one ingredient: a story.

If you don’t have anything to tell to the audience, something that keep their attention to continuously wait “what’s next”, then you don’t have a good animation.

Characters can be bad drawn even animation principles could be basic, but if the story is interesting it has the audience hooked.

Those dancing particles are cool but they don’t tell me anything new, doesn’t make me thing further or spread my imagination.

You can even make a good story just with a single pair of particles… just need a character behind.

I like the first one. Reminds me of the-lights-of-a-car-driving-into-a-misty-dark-night kind of thing, almost a story on its own :smiley: . The first one could be useful. Don’t like the second one. It seem to generic. You can do almost any effect with Synfig once you put your mind to it. Among other things I am working on several standard effects like rain, snow, fire, lightning, lens flares etc and the goal is to be able to call on them using a python plug-in so that, if someone wants to use such an effect in a scene, he or she does not have to reinvent the wheel over and over.

Thanks for your comments both of you,

What you say to me It’s very valuable. I’m asking and asking, and perhaps you have other things to do. But I hope that talk about this subject, animation, it is interesting to you.
I understand that animation is: “tell a story with images, in a visual way”, if I follow your explanation. So an effect is : “to show something changing”. I put them in a general form.

My ambition is to make an animation. In the future. But at this moment I’m interested in making effects. I’ll change my question: Someone know an outstanding kind of effect, or maybe just one that it’s capable of attract attention?. Again I’m being general.

As a sidenote, I remember have seen here in the forum works made by Genete and another users: a head of a lion, a music box, a field of grass moving, a simulated 3d air plane. Those are some I remember.

Thanks for your comments. I have to say that the “misty-dark” effect born from an “accident” trying to change the original-second one. With an effect layer I changed the colourizing of the particles. By whatever reason (I believe a parameter in the moving blur layer), when seeing in preview mode, that “continuous, blurred line” didn’t appear. Only when rendered as a Gif file I was able to see that effect. Anyway,I though, “It doesn’t look bad” and decided to show it.

About your python plug - in project, it sounds very good. If you need help with the code (and if you want to share it), you can use in the forum. I know a little about python. Many eyes see more that a few. As a recommendation, Inkscape use for their extensions the “lxml” libraries, AFAIK

I guess we need to port the Perl plug in that Svarov wrote to Python and configure it in that way that it contains an effect when you call it. Of course we also need an effect or two, three… Maybe sorted into comic like effects and other more realistic. At this moment I am still fiddling around with the great particle template itself. (Amongst a 1000 of other things, lol)