Opening "Planeta Absurdo"

This is my last animation. It requires a little explanation:
There is a spanish webcomic with which I laugh a lot: (absurd world)
A couple of weeks ago, the author published a special strip parodying an opening of anime characters I asked permission of the author and I have encouraged (with a little help from him, he sent me some pictures to help me).
I also put music to the lyrics of the song (in fact, it was not easy, there are not a good rhyme in the words.)
Anyway, here it is. Hope you like it.

Good work! And congratulations: you’ve just demonstrated that Synfig can be used to make motion comics. Watch out, Marvel!


Good work Rafael! Keep it up mate!.
Y muy graciosas las voces! Juas!

Nice sequence Rafael…

…I especially liked the last line from character who comes in at the end.

Well done.