Need Help Installing to Mac, osx 10.10.2

I have a new Imac running yosemite. I downloaded Synfig and I did these steps
On this side you’ll find how to install macport;
there is a link to download the install file for “Leopard”, (os 10.5), on the same side.
It will take a long time to make the install complete so be patient :slight_smile:

When the “macport” install is ready you have to run this commands in the “terminal”:

  1. sudo port -v selfupdate
    this command will se to that macport and all installed will be up to date, it will take a while, when it’s ready then:
  2. sudo port install synfigstudio
    this will also take a long time since all dependencies will be installed.

When this is ready you open terminal and write “synfigstudio” and hit return and Synfig will start.

and when I typed in synfigstudio this is the error I get.
synfig studio – starting up application…

Dynamic session lookup supported but failed: launchd did not provide a socket path, verify that org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist is loaded!

(synfigstudio:22493): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

If Anyone can give me some advice I would greatly appreciate it as I have scoured over everything I can find and can’t figure out how to make it run on Yosemite


Oh man, I hope that I get this reply up before someone takes a lot of time troubleshooting to help me with this. I didn’t have xquartz installed. :frowning: Sorry guys. But I am up and running now! Hopefully I will have something fun to share with the group soon!