Moving Layers in an animation

Is it possible to change a layers position in an animation? When I try, The layer stays that way throughout the whole animation.

Do you mean the (X,Y)-position or Z-position?



Did you use the Z parameter of the layer. This parameter appears to be relative to the position of the layer in the stack of layers. So, to get a layer to be above its (logically) above layer, its Z parameter has to be less than -1.

Do you want something like this:


Make sure that you press the big green ball in the lower right hand corner and turn it to Red for animate mode. Make sure you move to a new position on the timeline each time you insert a keyframe.

Yes. Thank you for the example. I was trying to change the position by moving layers up and down on the layer menu.

Hmmm… should I see the black bar pop up to the top of the rectangle stack? "cos if it should, I’ve got a bug. :frowning:


I’ve downloaded Gerco’s animation and don’t see anything wrong. Pixelgeek, could you please link an animation where the black bar pop up appears?


I have also use the Z parameter of the layer. This parameter appears to be relative to the position of the layer in the stack of layers.
Its really helpful parameter for moving layer in an animation.I have also try with Z parameter.