Morvena Synfig build plugins feature stickman merge Tool

Just stopped by the morvena Project site and found this pleasent surprise, the synfig Morvena build now supports a plugin system for pyton scripts. Watch the tutorial for an example on its use. We can now import multiple stickman templates with their exported values and have them interact. :smiley: Thanks Zelgadis.


Holy crap!

That looks great! :smiley: I looked for the source code to this fork but I could not find it, does anybody know where to get it? I would like to try and build it for osx

regards / Ulrik

Great, thank you Genete! :smiley:

I looked for the source code to this fork but I could not find it, does anybody know where to get it?

Here: (notice the “morevna” branch).

We’re working to merge the changes into upstream now…