Konstantin's weekly report #4

Why are the windows developmet snapshot version not avaible here synfig.org/cms/en/download/development also this should be on the Synfig news sectinon synfig.org

It is now.Didn’t see it there before I posted here.

Quick note about using Bones on KDE. If you have a Hungarian (or several other European keyboards) and are using KDE, Alt+7 (and Alt+1) don’t work:


Hi, Yu!
I strongly recommend to use the automatic build script for OSX. It is located in autobuild/synfigstudio-osx-build.sh at synfig repo - github.com/synfig/synfig/blob/m … x-build.sh
In this case you have the standard environment and I can provide assistance with all build-related issues (including the cleaning up the build).

Fixed now.

I created new user to see if the crashes on my OSX 10.7 is related to the old configurations of my daily account. Unfortunately, same crashes happened with the new user as well. Nothing improves at all, synfig crashes every minute several times.

I tested with the dmg provided by Zelgadies and the master branch built on my system.

no idea how to dig more, since Genete reported there is no same issue happened on OSX 10.8.

Maybe you can narrow the crash recipe so you could predictably can look at the backtrace. Unfortunately I don’t have 10.7 so I can’t help more there.

Have you update Macports lately?


Please try to compile from source using the autobuild script on your system. It uses isolated macports installation, so your current one won’t be affected.

This issue is fixed now.

Also fixed the missing locales issue for Windows build.

I’ve made an interesting discovery: the resize bug is mostly happen when both cairo and single-threaded options enable. Can anyone confirm this? I guess that’s triggered by the cairo slowdown. I need to make build snapshots for different (past) versions as soon as possible. I hope this will help Carlos to debug the issue…

Just cooked my own App Image (dmg) on OSX 10.7 using the autobuild script, and tested it around 15 minutes, no crashes!
Time to go bed…I will use it as my main tool to continue the icon tweaking work in the coming days, and return the result here.

Thanks Genete and Zelgadis :smiley:

Unfortunately not.
I can reproduce (consistently) the resize bug with or without the Cairo render enabled. I think it is directly related to single thread enabled.

I’m glad you sorted it out :slight_smile:

Great! Please read the scrip usage notes (found in the script header) - they would give you a few hints how to speedup the rebuilds.

The dmg binary provided by me is compiled using the same script, but I guess we have binary incompatibility here. My binary is compiled on OSX 10.6 32bit and you have OSX 10.7 64bit - that might be the case. Probably it worths to setup Fedora’s crosscompile environment for OSX (in the same fashion as we did for WIndows binaries). Then it will be possible to compile both 32- and 64-bit binaries on Linux with improved compatibility, without depending on particular OSX version…

Great! Please read the scrip usage notes (found in the script header) - they would give you a few hints how to speedup the rebuilds.

The dmg binary provided by me is compiled using the same script, but I guess we have binary incompatibility here. My binary is compiled on OSX 10.6 32bit and you have OSX 10.7 64bit - that might be the case. Probably it worths to setup Fedora’s crosscompile environment for OSX (in the same fashion as we did for WIndows binaries). Then it will be possible to compile both 32- and 64-bit binaries on Linux with improved compatibility, without depending on particular OSX version…