How do i make synfig use more memory?

little background of my problem:
my computer die and i had to buy a cheap one in emergency:
only one core and 4 gig of memory
so i re-install debian (on dual boot to keep win because i need it for some soft that i cannot use on linux
the second rendering i am doing on synfig…it is still doing it ( it has beeen 3 days!)
yes i know i wanted to test my limits…!
but looking at the task managger i see that synfig is only using

260mb rss,and 1.4gig of virtual memory(it is only using 600mb total for the rendering, the rest…as i write is use by firefox!)
how can i force synfig to use the max of my little ressources?
thanks in advance.


Which version/bitness do you use?
Which resolution for the render? (if FullHD, it could stall)

From what I see you render directly from synfigstudio to a video.
Try to produce PNG files instead and join them afterwards.

Other point, I see a prio of 15 for both of these processes, try to renice their prio from 15 to 0.
And the processes have a “S” status, meaning they sleep :wink:

merci pour ta reponse…
<<<From what I see you render directly from synfigstudio to a video.
Try to produce PNG files instead and join them afterwards.

<<ça je crois que c’est une bonne suggestion!
Other point, I see a prio of 15 for both of these processes, try to renice their prio from 15 to 0.
And the processes have a “S” status, meaning they sleep :wink:

je ne peut pas changer cela dans…le task manager j’ai essayer de le suspendre
et puis de changer le 15 to 0…pas d’effets
je dois le faire avec renice quand c’est arreté?
et le “S” comment je le change?
la version c’est 1.0.2 sur debian lxde le rendering c’est 720x576

il n’as pas l’air de dormir car il ajoutes des mb a mon fichier .avi que je suis en train de rendre…
maintenant 130 mb!
c’est 600 frames ,et apres 3 jours…j’hesites avant de tout arreter!
encore merci!

c’est magique ! il suffitque je t’ecrives pour que le rendu se termines enfin!
je vais rendre enpng…et si tu peut me guider pour les autres manip…

Tu peux jeter un oeil ici character pixelation on render et ici

ok et merci!
j’ai jetté un oeil…et j’ai pleuré a mon allergie au language informatique!
pourtant je fais des efforts…
y’as du boulot!
je reviens a ma premiere question
est il possible de forcer synfig a utiliser + de memoire?
car je vois que plus de 2 giga ne sont pas utilisé pendant l’usage, puis pendant le rendering…
la logique me dis que :si le logiciel en utilisait plus…ça irais plus vite?
ou pas?