Good Ghosts - series

Soo there is this thing called a whalebone … but it’s not a bone.

It’s rare but humans can be in the same case as the whales :stuck_out_tongue:
An unusual case of recurrent gingival hirsutism

That sounds like nightmare fuel :sweat_smile:
nature is magical

A new hobby for your consideration.


The 4th century was a banger

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Maybe he bought some indulgences :wink:

those are cheat codes

William Penn of Sylvania reputation.

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Nice business plan, but fail…
He wanted to do like Bill Gates with all this land, so many children as worker but he was too much in advance on his time :stuck_out_tongue:

He and his second wife had 9 kids in 12 years. I would say he was productive man.

Sure, he was the one doing most of the work in this affair!

The math from 1000 years ago


I am not sure this type of food is very… vegetarian


It is ok for vegetaRians but more in debate for vegetaLians or vegans as mushrooms are not vegetals :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway, according the content of yout fridge, this should not be a problem.
Maybe add some nice chianti?

You are right, there’s way to much soda in my fridge, Dr. Lector would not approve :sweat_smile: