Good Ghosts - series

My little logo makes a cameo :smiley:

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Just a little mistakeā€¦
Everyone knows that Sheldon Cooper is the real Batman :stuck_out_tongue:

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He is for sure one of the multiverse batmen

Not really sure if shorts load here but, itā€™s a tiny almond joke.

Edit BobSynfig: It works using the format :wink:


The weather out side is nice and warm ā€¦ so I was thinking of snowflakes.

(thank you Bob)

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And for the ones who like snowflakes, here is a video published at the end of last year that I had in my bookmarks :stuck_out_tongue:
@nethertales: What about a little animation with dinosaurs :lizard:

Thatā€™s awesome :slight_smile: I have seen a book on snowflakes and I bet most people donā€™t think of the simpler shapes they can be.
Anyway I did make a ghost comic that had a dino in it Nether Tales : Adventure ghosts no 5

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Fight club rules


Rule 34 will always be the most important of all
( but donā€™t say it too much loud :stuck_out_tongue: )


Duck and cover

Do you guys think weā€™ll ever have something like the plastic and mesh tool from opentoonz. I was derping around making this and ā€¦ well that feature would be cool.

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Holding the ding-ding-dong permits to adjust the center of gravity during the backflip.
The vertebrates use their caudal appendix for balance, when there is none, you compensate with what you can use instead :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ohh yes itā€™s like a tail ā€¦ but in the front. :sweat_smile:

If you want to read a good book this holiday


Bazooka bazonga bazinga whatā€™s the difference

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In Greece,
we also have ā€œBouzoukiaā€ (Ī¼Ļ€ĪæĻ…Ī¶ĪæĻ…ĪŗĪ¹Ī±),
where you show your admiration to the singers by sending them heaps of flowers (Ī»ĪæĻ…Ī»ĪæĻ…Ī“Ī¹Ī±), on stageā€¦
Literally :stuck_out_tongue: See more on Youtube
(Warning, some flashing/stroboscopic images, may lead to seizure if you have epileptic disorders)

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oh dear ā€¦ without your explanation thatā€™s just a guy being pummeled with boxes :laughing:

Saving up some money for a new soul :innocent:

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A better way to fly

What is the difference between a Zeppelin and a suppository?
The Zeppelin had hydrogen inside, the suppository has methan around.
