French translation


I try desperately to put synfig in french, but I can not.
Is there no way to put it in french as with Linux?
Thanks by advance !

je cherche désespérément à mettre synfig en francais, mais je n’y arrive pas.
N’y a-t-il pas de moyen pour le mettre en francais comme avec linux?

Merci d’avance !!

Current windows version doesn’t support translation properly. Any idea on how to properly proceed is welcome.

No idea ? No solution ? :slight_smile:

absolutement rien.

Hi, Bonjour :exclamation:

If you need to verify the translations under windows you can install eg Kubuntu with WUBI (see on the KUbuntu site) or better, for me, install Virtual Box and download an image of KUbuntu (or Ubuntu if you prefer) and Load it!

This will no affect your system in the MBR…

Try, if you want and let me know… :exclamation:

This is only to work around on the problem, no possibilities are available under win directly,
but the translation file is the same, therefore the final effect is near the same.