Export Lottie with Alpha Over Blend Method

Well, the question is simple, I am trying to export one animation as lottie (The file was generated from Inkscape) and there is two O, so I applied an Alpha Over to inner circle of the O, the animation looks great, But the final result doesn’t:

Do I missing something?

Hello and welcome to the community!

Alpha Over blend method is not yet supported for Lottie export.
You can find the supported features and blend methods here: https://synfig-docs-dev.readthedocs.io/en/latest/projects/lottie/supported.html#blend-methods

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Hi @AnishG

Any idea when will the Lottie export feature support Alpha Over blend method?

Otherwise, is there any workaround by manually edit the exported json file?

Kind regards,

Unless there is a way to support Alpha Over blend method by Lottie developers, I don’t think we can support it :frowning:. I usually track this Link to see if any new features can be supported.
As for the workaround, I don’t have anything in mind as of yet.

I am no expert about Lottie and as mentioned by @AnishG Lottie doesn’t support Alpha Over blend method.

But if we just look at this. There is no need for Alpha Over, what I want to say is that Synfig doesn’t support shapes with inner verteices, which is supported by standard SVG.

You can see the following question,

As this doesn’t exist in Synfig we are using the Alpha Over blend method as a workaround for that. This is not a problem with Lottie or the plugin but the way Synfig works. If Synfig implements the inner vertices (or something so that a shape can have multiple independent paths but still are the same shape/region), then I would be a lot better.

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Thanks for the information.