Error message on file load

Get the message:
Uncaught error on file open (BUG)

looking around the internet. looks like there is an exception being called from within
synfig / synfig-studio / src / gui / app.cpp
at line 2838: … ui/app.cpp

what is the code trying to do?

Just that message? No other message previously?
I just can suggest to share the file to see what’s happening. Please when share the file tell the Synfig Studio version used to create it.

it was put together in but am trying to load into 0.64.1
scene.sif.tar.gz (213 KB)

I get this:

synfig(1100) [10:56:45] informaci├│n: Loading file: D:\Mis_Documentos_Local\Desc
synfig(1100) [10:57:03] informaci├│n: Loading file: D:\Mis_Documentos_Local\Desc
synfig(1100) [10:57:03] error: Standard Exception: * Can’t find linked file “D
synfig(1100) [10:57:04] error: Standard Exception: * Can’t find linked file “D


you were getting these messages on loading the file? what version of Synfig are you using? is there a way to get synfig to output this information, because I dont get any of that.

I get those message by two reasons:

  1. I opened it on Windows. Windows version still keep the terminal window where there are thrown some extra messages.
  2. Your file has external files linked to, so it complains that they can’t be found in my computer. You can obtain the same messages if you try to open your scene.sif after copy the file to other folder.

any chance of getting that kind of functionality in linux? having the terminal window open or the ability to open the terminal window from within synfig to view erros would be great for troubleshooting files

Open a terminal and type synfigstudio .