Crash when viewing timeline.

Hi, I’m new here, and I’ve got a bug that’s stopping me from making any sort of real animation.

I’m running Vista HP, Synfig v0.61.08, on a Dell i1525.

Whenever I create an animation and drag the selector along the timeline (either the panel or the timeline built into the animation window), Synfig crashes.

Also, when I clicked [Animation]>View>Play nothing happens

Firstly, please try upgrading to the latest version (0.61.09).

Also, I’m assuming that you’ve seen and followed the instructions at

Bouncing around the timeline can cause synfig headaches. I try to click on the timeline, rather than drag the cursor along it, and let it finish rendering before moving to a new time.

@Pabs, thanks for the heads up. When I get a free half hour I’ll be sure to get it. (Seems like a pretty big release for a third decimal though)

@Pixelgeek, yes I’ve downloaded the program that assigns Synfig to only one processor. I tinkered around a bit more with SF and found that if I use [animation]>view>play too much, view>play stops working.

It’s rather hard to get a good idea of an animation’s progress without view>play, so I tried to drag the timeline instead, seemingly causing Synfig to either close, or realize that it was frozen and close.

There is a Preview command in the Caret File menu that can be better used in those cases.

yeah, like Genete said, the preview button is more suitable to look at the animation’s progress…u’ll find it under the caret menu (top left corner of the canvas window), under ‘File’.

Hope this helps! :wink: