BOunty episode 2 part 1

heya! im back again with some of my recent works… hope you like it !

Wow! Fight scenes are pretty fluid!
Great Work!

thanks a lot!

The most beautiful sky_girls_ swords_grass_fighting synfig animation :wink: !

do you know … also maybe from into ?

Nice one as always!! I like it :smiley:
Also, will she have a face turning action in the upcoming full animation ? I really need to know how to do that properly.

Cheers :slight_smile:

okay thanks alot for the positive comments guys…i really do appreciate it…and for the sounds i will look onto that site…thank you !

i think…she will have that 360 head turn scene…^^

Woooooow! Woeeeeeesh!! Very smooth and cool fight scenes! Been waving my imaginary samurai sword all afternoon.
Care to share your work flow?

haha…thanks…i will find time to share my work flow…but the idea is that its just simple play with translate,scale,rotate,smooth move tool…and i do most of it with morphing animation…some part are done with fake frame by frame style…^^