comet.sifz (17.6 KB)
Original Creator:Comet by UI8 on Dribbble
16th animation of my 100 animations challenge
hermit crab.sifz (32.4 KB)
Original Creator: Hermit Crab by Carlos Puentes | cpuentesdesign on Dribbble
17th animation of my 100 animations challenge
numralmorph.sifz (142.8 KB)
Original Creator:numeral morph by Sara Farnsworth on Dribbble
18th animation of 100 animation challenge
chemistry.sifz (8.1 KB)
Original Creator: Loading Chemistry - Quiz Results Animation by Jared Kinsella on Dribbble
19th animation of 100 animation challenge
Wow! This is amazing!
day night.sifz (33.6 KB)
Original Creator: Day 13-14 Day/Night Toggle by Tiantian Xu on Dribbble
20th animation of 100 animation challenge
paperwork.sifz (46.1 KB)
Original Creator: Paperwork Will Crush You by Aslan Almukhambetov for Fireart Studio on Dribbble
22nd animation of 100 animation challenge
space girl.sifz (55.8 KB)
Original Creator: Pixies Space Girl by Petrick on Dribbble
24th animation of 100 animations
space.sifz (75.8 KB)
Original Creator: Spacing by Gigi Meburishvili on Dribbble
25th animation of 100 animations.
customers.sifz (32.0 KB)
Original Creator: Customers by Aslan Almukhambetov for Fireart Studio on Dribbble
26th animation of 100 animations
alarmclock.sifz (19.0 KB)
Original Creator: Alarm Clock [GIF] by Daan De Deckere on Dribbble
27th animation of 100 animations
Didn’t knew about shade layer till now , learnt about it today !
One trick for smaller shadows:
1.Create a filter group layer
2.Add a solid color into the filter group layer, set it’s(Solid Color’s) blend method to “Straight Onto”
(Change it’s color to black or whatever you want the shadow to be)
3.Set the blend method of filter group layer to behind
(Reduce the opacity of filter group layer according you needs, ex-0.75)
4.You can scale the filter group layer and the shadow will scale according to your needs
pencil race.sifz (40.3 KB)
Original Creator: Pencil Race by Gal Shir on Dribbble
28th animation of 100 animations
books.sifz (34.4 KB)
Original Creator: Elements of Good Design by Valentin Kirilov for Motion Authors on Dribbble
29th animation of 100 animations.
camera.sifz (11.4 KB)
Original Creator: Vintage camara by Fede Cook on Dribbble
31st animation of 100 animations.
Synfig_logo.sifz (11.7 KB)
Synfig Loading animation .
Is it possible to use this as at splash screen.