Rendering take's to long

hi again, and sorry for came only to bother you jeje. While i gain experience for a better animation, i’m working on something simpler, i’m making an animation about Zero Two from Kirby 64 versus another character, i managed to learn about time loops, effects, keyframes and some more things that makes my day, this is a frame rendered directly from the animation, i also read the documentation about rendering formats to chose the best one:

it does have cool effects like twirl and blur, i made almost everything what i had in mind to improve the effects, also i studied the behavior of the effects upon the layers and i’m pretty sure that everything is fine, the problem comes when i try to render picture or movie alike, it’s understandable that those effects may take more time to being processed for the final result, but takes a lot of time for an animation of 20 seconds in any video format (2 hours or more), i tried disabling blur, twirl, noise deform, i just keep those layer which means any ‘physical’ transformation to the object, but it stills rendering very slow, i replaced most layers with images, like the wings of Zero-Two, at first were like 10 BLine objects but i decided to use a single shot for every wing, so it’s wings are actually a pair of .png files, i don’t know what else i can do, do i need a better CPU? which i cannot afford right now? that would be sad y’know, because i feel that Synfig can do lot’s of nice things and if i can’t even render a simple animation then complex compositions will be impossible to do.

my PC is 1 giga Ram, 2.1 ghz, Mandriva 2009.1 Spring with KDE4 (i also though it would be related to KDE4, but i also have gnome and it does the same) and some other things that i may forget

Synfig is unfortunately quite slow in rendering. At least it’s not as bad as 3d :smiley:. Only tip I could give you is to render out your scenes at night when your comp. is free or as a background process while continuing working at other stuff.

Could you try Genetes benchmark-test to see how your computer compares to other ones in rendering?

Also, you can speed up the render if you have a multi core cpu. Using the CLI you can render a png sequence using several commands, one per sequence section. For example render 50% of frames with one core and other 50% with other. Of course I never use synfigstudio for final renders because it is a waste of time and resources and edit the file meanwhile it is rendering produce render artifacts. I always use CLI (synfig). Never use other formats (ffmpeg, libav, gif, yuv420 etc) always use png sequence because it is the faster one that keeps the lower compression and then the better image quality. Also png sequence allows the already mentioned multicore trick that is not possible with other helper applications.

I’ve tried to find a way for multicore render but didn’t found a good one yet apart of setting up it manually.
See this: Script for multicore CLI render
The closest solution is the makefile from pabs. But it is much better for a multi document proyect (see morevna project in this forums)

Last thing: render times are very sensitive to output size, so if you’re not having the last production render don’t use the final size (1080p etc.), just stick to web sizes (480x270).


What quality settings did you use for the rendering?


synfig: warning: Unable to find module "mod_mng" ( cannot open shared object file:such file or directory) synfig: warning: Unable to find module "mod_openexr" ( cannot open shared objeile: No such file or directory) synfig: warning: Unable to find module "mod_libavcodec" ( cannot open shareject file: No such file or directory) benchmark.sifz ==> benchmark.png: DONE benchmark.sifz: Rendered in 107.336 seconds.
I did it while reading, but i don’t really think that FireFox can interfere at all with the process.

8) jeje, well… Blender is actually faster than 3D Studio Max (something that i know very well due that i used 3DSM since ver.7 to 2009) and still faster than my vectorial animation editors

That’s the kind of things that i cannot afford at the moment, nothing would make me happier than buy a multi core CPU because i’m very used into graphic editing world. I have in mind only web sizes, the PNG i uploaded here is actually the size i’m working, also i don’t see any option or anything that i haven’t seen before in rendering options not just in Synfig, but in many others, but only one thing that i cannot understand well yet is how Antialias/Quality works, even greater the number, greater the quality? by default, Synfig is set to ‘3’, but i tried with ‘1’ and also greater values (9 as the max), doesn’t seem to change anything anyway. while i don’t mind at all export multi-png files to import them into any video editor like Lives, Frameworks or Cinelerra, i do with the time it takes rendering images, also, i wouldn’t mind to leave the entire night the rendering process, maybe even in ‘safe’ mode cause it’s just only console function, and using CLI it might be a little faster, but that is something that i had not in mind before, i’ll give a try with the CLI version just like i did with the test file some lines above.


-Image Size
Image Span=12.2384
Physical Width=8.89
Physical Height=5.00

-Time (Timestamp: HH:MM:SS.FF, Units: Pixels)
Start Time=00:00:00.00
End Time= 00:05:00.00 (5 mins for the animation, but i set this value to 00:00:20.00 assuming i want just 20 seconds)

*Pixel Aspect

-Target file (what i tried the most)
Auto/PNG - .png (sequence and current frame)
FFMPG - .avi/.mov/.mpg
GIF- .gif (animated gif, works great but the filesize is masive)
JPG- .jpg (sequence and current frame)

That’s what i have set for this animation to be exported, hope it can help to help me, and thanks for the support again