Konstantin's weekly report #28

Hello, everyone! My weekly report is here.

Last week Ivan have delivered following changes into Synfig code:

  • Fixed bug with wrong behaviour of width handles (for regular outlines).
  • Added basic support for loading MyPaint brushes. If you have MyPaint installed from your (Linux) distro repositories, then Synfig will automatically load its brushes. And yes, at the moment the path for brush tempates is hardcoded. Our plan is to add interface where user can specify he list of paths to look for brushes. No promises about the the delivery date, though. At the moment not all brushes work correctly and we badly missing brush color selection and eraser. You can see the current status of brushes/frame-by-frame feature here.

Also, Ivan is working on fixing the important bug with vertex influenced by multiple bones in (bones branch) and implementing basic visual representation of bones on the canvas. Still those two aren’t ready for demonstration yet.

We also have changes from other contributors.

Djay fixed renaming of exported valuenodes - now old name is displayed in the rename dialog (see bug #335)

Yu Chen continued his work on polishing UI and menus. The changes are:

  • Remove “Reset to default Setup values” menu and add a “Restore Default Settings” button to Preferences dialog
  • Move “Preview Window” from View menu to Window menu
  • Add a separator to Window menu
  • Cleanup View menu and some other cleanup
  • Make Window menu display file name which contains underscore/s correctly

Although for many of you changes in the menu will be not comfortable at first time, I am sure soon you will find it’s structure much more logical than before.

And finally, one more thing to mention - we have launched a new fundraising campaign to make possible full-time development in March. Check it out here - igg.me/at/synfig-march-2014/x/2188395
As usual, you can help us by spreading a word. :slight_smile:
Thank you!

I was wondering why Synfig uses circles rather squares for it’s handles Circle vs Square Handles that seems like an important feature to change to increase crowdsourcing money.